The Corona Chronicles: Tikkun Olam

Will the direct threat of COVID-19 move people to focus on the responsibility we each have to make the world a better place? That is the basic idea behind tikkun olam, a Jewish concept about personal responsibility to make the world better. The Hebrew phrase tikkun olam (pronounced tee-KOON oh-LUHM) means “world repair.” In modern Jewish circles, tikkun olam has become synonymous with the notion of social action and the pursuit of social justice
The Corona Chronicles: Remote Healing

President Trump agreed to continue social distancing through the end of April and maybe beyond, guided by more data and the input of Drs. Fauci and Birx.
Dr. Fauci predicts millions of infections and as many as 100,000 to 200,000 deaths before the pandemic winds down. Sobering news but we need to face reality.
We can only hope that as our understanding of the behavior of this virus increases, we will be able to make better decisions about what we must do as a society and as individuals.
The Corona Chronicles: Uncertainty

Confusing and inconsistent guidelines lead to uncertainty, anxiety and fear. We need reliable sources so we know what to expect and what to do. Overly optimistic projections add to the stress that is already rampant. I am providing this information so we can look at circumstances with a clear eye. Forewarned is forearmed.
The Corona Chronicles: Alone Together

Most people seem to be getting the message: social isolation protects you and everyone else. Stay home, don’t the spread virus. A majority of people also seem to understand that we will need to do this for another 6-10 weeks.
As new information comes out daily the biggest challenge is sorting the accurate from the rumors and unsubstantiated information.
The Corona Chronicles: New Hot Spots

The United States has the fastest increase and the largest number of coronavirus infections anywhere in the world. New hot spots are beginning in Chicago, Detroit, and New Orleans. The US mortality rate has inched up to a little over 1.4%. There are not enough ventilators to handle a worst-case scenario of hospitalizations.
I am very concerned that the lack of adequate PPE (personal protective equipment) for front-line healthcare workers will lead to infections and illness that will deplete the numbers of available personnel. I have heard that providers are calling in sick, fearful of getting infected. There is a dire need for N95 masks, surgical masks, protective gowns, and face masks.
The Corona Chronicles: How to Stay Safe

Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you know that this flu season we are facing an exceptional threat. The latest figures (as of March 8, 2020) show more than 106,000 reported cases of COVID-19 (aka, the coronavirus) in at least 70 countries, with more than 3,600 deaths globally, including 19 in the U.S., officially surpassing the death toll during the 2002 SARS epidemic.
It is prudent for people to think about how to avoid face-to-face contact with others if the coronavirus comes to your neighborhood. Here’s how we can protect ourselves from contracting the virus and spreading it to others…
I Hate to Sound Like Your Mom, but You Need to Go to Bed Now!

Unless you happen to be among the 3% (or less) of the population who have the short sleep gene (known as DEC2), then you need somewhere between seven and nine hours of sleep a night. Any less and you are putting yourself at risk for a weakened immune system and serious medical conditions, including obesity, heart disease, and diabetes; as well as serious cognitive impairment. Sleep is so vital to our health, the Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) named insufficient sleep as a public health epidemic.
Seven Ways to Improve Your Brain Health

Have you been feeling anxious, excessively worried, depressed; or finding yourself more easily distracted, frustrated or angered? If so, you might have a sick brain.
Mental health is a crucial component to our overall health and well-being. We can’t be physically healthy unless we take care of our mental health. And, we also need to take care of our physical health in order to be mentally healthy.